Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Semi Slock Sytle

Jl. Kalisari Raya No. 6 Jakarta Timur
Telp : 87708090 Fax : 9063241 POBOX : 13770

Ref : BW/ DM/ 1A                                                                 16 October 2011

Mrs. Irine Etiawan
Personel Manager
Karya Citra Komputer ins.
Harco Plaza 2 th floor
Kota street
Central Jakarta

Dear Madame,

            We are considering Mr. Bayu Wdnrt for the position of Marketing Manager with our company. In his application, he menitions your name as a reference.
            We would appreciate your opinion of Mr. Bayu Wdnrt’s character, personality, ability to handle marketing matters.
            Any information you can give us will of course be kept confidential.

                                                                                                           Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                     Dede M
                                                                                                 Top Manager